The Saskatoon, or Serviceberry, is a little known but widespread fruit tree or multi-stemmed bush that is native to the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada.  It’s berries are prized by those in the know as a sweet addition to jams, jellies, and compotes and served dried as a unique addition to a salad, bowl of cereal, or tossed in with some oatmeal.  While they aren’t often the main star of a dish due to their small size, they can often steal the show in a mixed fruit jam.  Combining serviceberries with currants (which also makes an appearance in the photo’s bottom left against the fence), raspberries, and strawberries can make an unbeatable breakfast spread.

Here is a picture of one of my two Saskatoon trees/bushes in my backyard that I took today while it is in its flowering phase.  Soon, plump little red berries will appear over the Summer and, if I can beat the birds to them, I’ll have  nice little harvest this Fall of berries from this and my other bush.  So next time you are interested in a having a beautiful ornamental plant that also can provide you (or the birds) an edible treat, please think of this oft-forgotten Pacific Northwestern native.

Saskatton in Bloom

Saskatoon in Bloom